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wuxi hongshun automation equipment co., ltd. specializes in the production of various pneumatic components, and its main products include: double valves, solenoid valves, gas valves, pulse valves, shut-off valves, reversing valves, pressure regulating valves, etc. widely used in equipment and automation assembly lines in metallurgy, machinery, electronics, food, medicine, and textile industries.

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chucai360.com click to enter: 2024-11-18

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wuxi hongshun automation equipment co., ltd. specializes in the production of various pneumatic components, and its main products include: double valves, solenoid valves, gas valves, pulse valves, shut-off valves, reversing valves, pressure regulating valves, etc. widely used in equipment and automation assembly lines in metallurgy, machinery, electronics, food, medicine, and textile industries.

jieri2.com click to enter: 2025-01-12