industry information
sichuan north online mainly focuses on regional news and life information. it provides information from various places in northern sichuan from multiple angles, including news such as guangyuan, bazhong, dazhou, aba, etc., and has 30 channels including finance, education, life, real estate, and entertainment.

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阿米巴经营模式 阿米巴经营模式

柏明顿管理咨询集团,是国内较早从事阿米巴经营落地咨询的专业机构,由国内知名“落地派”管理咨询专家胡八一博士于2000年在广州创办,发展至今,已相继在北京、上海、深圳等地开设公司。为企业量身定制基于中国式柏明顿阿米巴经营管理解决方案,全面实现增收降本,切实提升企业管理质量和核心竞争力,保障企业稳速发展。咨询热线:400-6216-088 2025-02-17