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products from qien must be the best. choose qien and have good luck! hubei qien automobile equipment co., ltd. has been developing and manufacturing kitchen waste truck products to this day, and has been committed to creating the "four best" in the kitchen waste truck industry (the most reassuring to buy a car, the most worry-free to register a license, the most reassuring to use a car, and the most attentive to after-sales service). this move has won the support and support of many customers and friends, making hubei qien quickly become one of the new first-line kitchen garbage truck brands that friends in the industry love. our company specializes in the production of all kinds of kitchen waste trucks, slurry trucks, slurry trucks, catering waste trucks, kitchen waste trucks, and kitchen trucks. the manufacturer directly sells all kinds of original kitchen waste truck accessories, and can provide customers with the most professional and accurate kitchen waste disposal and treatment plans and quotations. consultation hotline: 15172773616 mr. guo
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