serial number:195947
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website tagsSuper、 Bonding、 Film、 True、 Color、 BOPP、 Thermal、 Lamination、 Film、
website description-PETThermalLaminationFilm、MetalizdThermalLaminationFilm、Angel-SickingFilm、EmbossingThermalLaminationFilm、HolographicThermalLaminationFilm
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hengyang yihu electric co., ltd. is a professional manufacturer of transformers, combined transformers, and discharge coils; it produces and sells high-quality voltage transformers, current transformers, etc.; welcomes new and old customers to book and inquire: 0734-3131363.
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lingchen technology has successfully developed dozens of lingchen industrial control machines and lingchen M60 series Ethercat bus motion control card, EtherCAT stepper driver, digital analog acquisition module, TOKK modules and other products. at the same time, it has been developed LCTSCARA four-axis industrial robot and intelligent vision system, based on C-sharp of LCT-ASK the motion control software architecture provides customers with more cost-effective solutions.
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