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SEO cartoon the angry birds game is popular all over the world, and the war between these little guys with different personalities and the greedy fat pigs is fascinating. the animated version kicks off, giving game fans a chance to learn more about their stories. on the side of the bird, the conscientious angry bird hong is extremely responsible and always defends three bird eggs. the playful and joking brother, the somewhat nervous princess white, the arrogant and narcissistic dart yellow, the dull and dull but dahong, who is mysteriously circulated, and the bomb black that explodes when touched, the birds with different personalities make countless jokes every day. in addition, the greedy fat pig king never forgot about eating bird eggs, so he sent his men to steal eggs one after another, which triggered a tense, exciting and interesting war after another... IP:- | 移动端来访IP:- | 出站链接:0 | episode 24
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