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AI手机:光明的前景和布满荆棘的路途丨端侧AI in the movie version, the key new character "tian yui-gang" was added, who is a young and handsome colleague of kenji in the beauty studio. has the appearance of this character changed the relationship between shi lang and kenji? in addition, shi lang decided to plan a "kyoto trip" to celebrate kenji's birthday. how will the two of them go to each other during the trip? 端侧,智能体,大模型,应用程序,人工智能,ai takaaki kuda (played by fanjia yiru), who took place in 1986, took part in the adventure of two primary school students in nagasaki kyushu in nagasaki. although his parents often quarrel, kuda my younger brother is still growing up in a caring environment; kuta and his classmates are excluded ai in the movie version, the key new character "tian yui-gang" was added, who is a young and handsome colleague of kenji in the beauty studio. has the appearance of this character changed the relationship between shi lang and kenji? in addition, shi lang decided to plan a "kyoto trip" to celebrate kenji's birthday. how will the two of them go to each other during the trip? agent
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